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How do I order a new SecurID token?

As an administrator, you can order a new SecurID token for a user or reassign an existing one. How to reassign a SecurID token
Note: You can’t order a new SecurID token for yourself. Please ask another administrator to order one for you.
Note: When ordering a new SecurID token for another user, you’ll need to confirm your identity with 2-step verification — either RSA SecurID, Biometric ID or BMO Passcode.

Here’s how you order a new token:

  1. In Online Banking for Business, select the Administration tab.
  2. Under “User Management”, choose Manage Users.
  3. Next to the relevant user, select Modify User from the dropdown menu.
  4. At the end of the “User information” section, choose Order a Token. 
  5. Select the type of token (Hard token, Soft Token or Both), the user who will receive it and choose Order a Token. 
  6. To confirm your request, select Finish.
  7. Select Save Changes.

When prompted, confirm your identity with your preferred 2-step verification option. What is 2-step verification? 

Note: If a user needs a replacement token because it was lost or stolen, please disable the old token and contact your Primary Customer Administrator (PCA) or BMO representative. How to disable a SecurID token

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